AI image generators each with their own merits

Preface:Top 5 AI image generators for you to choose from

There are currently a variety of AI image generators on the market for artists to use, each of which has its own style and charm. AI image generators can be used not only for entertainment, but also for creating art and image design. At the same time, it can also be applied in various industries and fields, such as business, education, entertainment, art, etc. If you are a person in a related field and need to use an AI image generator, this article provides you with a comparison of the top five AI image generators on the market. You can choose the appropriate AI image generator according to your needs.

Below we will introduce the characteristics of these five AI image generators in detail by comparing the pictures generated by different AI picture generators under the same prompt.

Prompt to generate beauty and mirage

1.DALL-E3:Realistic, high-quality AI image generator

DALL-E 3 is a text-to-image generator developed by OpenAI that will debut in January 2023. It is based on GPT-3 and CLIP models and can generate realistic, high-quality images based on users' text descriptions.


  1. Strong ability to understand text
  2. Realistic images with in-depth details
  3. Can improve your relevant skills
  4. Generated pictures can be edited


  1. High graphics card requirements
  2. Expensive
  3. Need to apply for internal testing qualifications


  1. $15/115 images
  2. Free:15 free pictures every month

Hardware requirements:

Who it's for?

  1. Artists and designers
  2. Operations staff

Picture display generated by DALL3:


AI image generator DALL3 generates Mirage

The images are realistic and the text is well understood.Highest clarity with rich details and sharp edges.

2.A beauty

AI image generators:Beauty-gengerated-by-DALL3
A Beauty gengerated by DALL3

The beauty’s face is slightly distorted and unnatural,moreover, the details of the beauty’s teeth are not properly processed and her dressing style is more Japanese than Chinese Tang suit. Her facial features are very consistent with the Western stereotype of Eastern people: slender eyes, but in fact, the eye characteristics of Eastern people are not like this, so it can be seen that The content of DALL3’s model database needs to be enriched.

2. Midjourney: Communicative and interactive AI image generator

Midjourney is a text-to-image generator developed by artificial intelligence lab Midjourney that debuted in July 2022. It is based on the powerful VQGAN model and can generate realistic, high-quality images based on users' text descriptions.

People can also participate in discussions in the square. You can see pictures and prompts generated by others and communicate with each other.


  1. Strong text understanding
  2. Rich creative possibilities
  3. Ability to communicate and interact with the community


  1. High graphics card requirements
  2. Generating images is expensive


  1. Basic: $10 per month, generates 25 images per month.
  2. Standard: $30 per month, generates 200 images per month.
  3. Pro: $60 per month, generates 600 images per month.

Hardware requirements:

Who it's for?

  1. Artists and designers
  2. Game developer
  3. Hobbies

Picture display generated by Midjourney:


Mirage generated by midjourney

It is not suitable for novices. Users need to learn to create beautiful pictures, which requires a lot of practice. The picture quality is very good, the detailed descriptions are in place, and the understanding of certain proper nouns is better than other software, such as: mirage.

2.A beauty

AI image gengrators:Beauties described in detailed language generated by midjourney

The character images are very realistic, but the clothes do not match the picture background. More detailed descriptions need to be added to achieve the effect. However, compared with several other AI image generators, Midjourney's character image depiction capabilities are far ahead.

In addition, Midjourney can generate beautiful pictures without too much elaboration: such as this prompt: A beautiful Chinese girl.

Chinese beauty generated using simple prompt by one of the best AI image generatos-Midjourney

Such a short description, but the resulting pictures are still excellent.

3.NightCafe Creator:Can generate beautiful and high-definition pictures

NightCafe Creator is a text-to-image generator developed by NightCafe that debuted in October 2021. It is based on the powerful VQGAN model and can generate realistic, high-quality images based on users' text descriptions.

NightCafe Creator Style Example


  1. Picture HD
  2. User friendly interface
  3. Suitable for novices
  4. Concrete pictures of various styles for everyone to choose from


  1. Generating high-quality images requires a paid subscription.
  2. Generator slower
  3. There are copyright risks


  1. Free:200 pictures can be generated every month
  2. Pay:Paid version $29.99 per month

Hardware requirements:

Who it's for?

  1. Artists and designers
  2. Newbies
  3. Advertisers
  4. Architect
  5. Photographer

Picture display generated by NightCafe:


AI image generators: Mirage generated by night cafe creator

The details of the sand and cacti are very realistic, the mirage in the distance is looming, and the layering of the picture is well grasped.

2.A beauty

AI image generator:Beauty images generated by NightCafe Creator

The details of the teeth and hands of the beauty image are not properly processed, especially the hands, which are the common mistakes AI makes - hand deformities.

4.Artbreeder:User friendly and newbie friendly

Artbreeder is an image mixing and editing tool developed by Artbreeder LLC that debuted in April 2019. It is based on a powerful deep learning model that can blend multiple images together to generate new images.

Artbreeder‘s main page
Artbreeder‘s main page
  1. user friendly interface
  2. Various powerful and simple functions for users to use
  3. Newbie friendly
Display of various functions of Artbreeder
Display of various functions of Artbreeder


  1. Generating high-quality images takes a long time.
  2. The learning curve is gentle and you can quickly start generating images.


  1. The free version can generate 200 images per month
  2. Paid : $10 per month

Hardware requirements:

  • GPU: RTX 1060 or better
  • CPU: Requires a GPU with at least 4 cores
  • Memory:At least 8 GB
  • Storage:At least 250 GB

Who it's for?

  1. Artists and designers
  2. Sculptor
  3. Modeler

Picture display generated by Artbreeder:


Mirage generated by artbreeder
Mirage generated by artbreeder

The generated pictures are rougher than those of AI picture generator, and the details are not well controlled, but with a macro vision, it is still acceptable.

2.A beauty

Beauty generated by artbreeder
Beauty generated by artbreeder

The character shape is stiff and soulless, and the proportions of the hands and body are strange.

5.Dream by WOMBO:

Dream by WOMBO is an AI intelligent picture generator developed by WOMBO. It allows users to generate corresponding images by entering text descriptions. The operation of Dream by WOMBO is very simple. Users only need to enter a text description and then select an image style to generate an image.

the main page of-WOMBO
the main page of WOMBOPros:
  1. User-friendly interface
  2. Simple operation, suitable for novices
  3. Variety of styles


  1. Image quality is inconsistent
  2. Low safety performance


  1. Dream Pro:$9.99 per month
  2. Dream Premium: $14.99 per month

Hardware requirements:

  • GPU: RTX 1060 or better
  • CPU: Requires a GPU with at least 4 cores
  • Memory:At least 8 GB
  • Storage:At least 250 GB

Who it's for?

  1. Artists
  2. Just for fun
  3. YouTuber

Picture display generated by WOMBO:


Mirage generated by WOMBO
Mirage generated by WOMBO

The generated pictures have clear quality and full composition, but the picture is a bit monotonous.

2.A beauty

Beauties generated by WOMBO
Beauties generated by WOMBO

The details of the hands are well processed, but the texture of the skin is unrealistic, and the generated character images are uniform in style and featureless.


DALL3 and Midjourney have higher hardware requirements and are relatively expensive. If you are a professional and have higher requirements for image quality, you can choose these two ai image generators. If you are an amateur or a fan of ai image generation , you can choose WOMBO or Artbreeder. In addition, if you need to generate images in multiple styles, NightCafe Creator is your first choice.

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